Vmware Workstation Windows Activation

Avoiding Activation When Moving/Copying a Windows 7 VMWare Image

Installation Steps If you want to run Windows XP Home Edition or Professional in a VMware Workstation virtual machine, be sure you have a full installation CD for the.

VMWare Player triggers Windows Activation process. If you ve followed any of my blogs regarding VMWare s VMWare Workstation and the runtime it s now giving away for.

Running Windows XP in VMWare, how should activation be handled. Last time I did this, I do not remember having to do any activation. Now it is asking me to activate.

vmware workstation windows activation vmware workstation windows activation vmware workstation windows activation vmware workstation windows activation vmware workstation windows activation

I just found this by chance and I haven t checked on the net for an explanation to this.

I have a VM with Windows 7 operating system. The VM image was created using VMWare Workstation and it is already working in my host machine with a licensed serial key. I have to move the image from my laptop to another machine that will host the image. So, I copied the image files to the new machine and opened the VM there. On first load of the VM, you will be shown a dialog box saying The virtual machine may have been moved or copied.

I have been ignoring this for the longest time ever since I started using VMWare. I have been wondering the sense behind this until I ran into activation errors in Windows 7.

When I selected the I copied it option and clicked OK, the VM loaded but Windows 7 complained that it must be activated and you ll see a note at the bottom right portion of the desktop saying that the OS is not genuine.

I copied the VM files again from my original source and overwrite the one in the new host machine. I did this because the dialog box did not show up when I shutdown and reloaded the VM again. When I selected the I moved it, the VM and Windows 7 loaded well with no complaints on the activation.

Have you encountered the same problem before. Do you know of an explanation to this.

A virtual machine that you create from a physical machine prompts you to activate Windows when you use it in Workstation.

Windows Activation trips up virtual machine clones, even on same system. This blog entry is simply to clear things up regarding virtual machine software like VMware.